
Social empires black dragon
Social empires black dragon

Is roughly the Euclidean distance between the Markets and can be calculated exactly as:Īre the distances between the Markets in either axis-aligned direction, measured from the center of each Market. Is the number of tiles along any edge of the map, and The exact equation for gold received from trading is: However, players must take into consideration the population limit and the cost of the unit that they want to make. Trade routes should always be made as long as possible, as the increase in gold for Markets placed further apart is greater than the increase in time taken for a Trade Cart to complete the journey. This also can allow them to reach the Castle Age sooner than other civilizations and perform a Monk rush. The Saracens have the best Market in the game at only 75 wood, and a commodity trading fee of only 5%. If buying a resource would cost less than 25 gold, the game will set the buy price to 25 gold. Researching Guilds cuts the commodity trading fee in half (15%), but can only be done in the Imperial Age and is not available to all civilizations. This means that to "bottom out" the price of a commodity beginning at the starting price, the player needs to sell 4,000 of food/wood or 5,500 stone (obtaining 1,708 or 2,926 gold).

social empires black dragon

The minimum and maximum "fair" prices for any commodity are 20 and 9,999, respectively. The game simulates supply and demand by adding or subtracting 3 to the "fair" price each time 100 commodity resources are traded. Stone, however, begins at a "fair" price of 130, which leads to a starting rate of 91/169.

social empires black dragon

At the beginning of each game, the "fair" price for food and wood is 100, but because of the fee, the actual prices the players see are 70 and 130. Each commodity (food, wood, stone) has a "fair" (and invisible) exchange price, but the players cannot exchange their resources at the "fair" price because there is a 30% commodity trading fee. Commodities are sold or bought 100 at a time. The Market prices for each commodity are universal for all players. This can greatly help to jump through Ages or to overcome a temporary shortage of a particular resource. Markets are also important because a player can exchange its resources to balance its economy. While this can be surprisingly efficient when trading with defeated players (especially in campaign scenarios), it is ill-advised when the player in question is still active, as they might kill the Trade Carts. Trading can also be established with neutral and hostile players' Markets too, emulating thus the real life practice of smuggling. Often, Trade Carts are lost because of that since the route they then choose is likely to be dangerous. If Trade Carts must travel through a wall, it is important to remember to keep the Gate open at all times to avoid losing Trade Carts, because when they reach a closed Gate, they will take another way to reach their destination even if the Gate is opened a short time after they reached it.

social empires black dragon social empires black dragon

It is also recommended to protect trade routes with military units or defensive structures. When trading with allies, is important to know which Markets are better defended to prevent losing trade units. The productivity increases with the distance, so it is always worth it to build Markets far away from other Markets even though the Trade Carts take longer to reach their destination. The farther away the Market is, the more gold the Trade Carts return. The equation for gold received while trading at other Markets is quadratic depending on distance. Markets make an essential part on economy especially in team games as they provide an unlimited source of gold, accumulated through trading.

Social empires black dragon